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Stock impact report

Solid Demand Boosts Mid-America Apartment Despite Supply Woes [Yahoo! Finance]

Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc. (MAA) 
Last mid-america apartment communities, inc. earnings: 1/29 04:16 pm Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
The prospects of its redevelopment program and progress in technology measures are likely to drive margin expansion. A healthy balance sheet will support its growth endeavors despite an elevated supply of rental units and a high interest rate environment. What's Aiding MAA? Sunbelt-Focused Portfolio: MAA's portfolio is set to gain from healthy operating fundamentals. The pandemic accelerated employment shifts and population inflow into the company's markets as renters sought more business-friendly, low-taxed and low-density cities. These favorable long-term secular dynamic trends are increasing the desirability of its markets. The high pricing of single-family ownership units in a high interest rate environment continues to drive the demand for rental apartments. Amid these positives, MAA is expected to continue maintaining a high level of occupancy in the upcoming period. Moreover, per a September Update from MAA, both new lease pricing and occupancy for the quarter through A Show less Read more
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