Independent Director of Lantronix Kevin Palatnik Buys More Stock [Yahoo! Finance]

Lantronix, Inc. (LTRX)
Last lantronix, inc. earnings: 2/12 04:30 pm
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Source: Yahoo! Finance
NASDAQ:LTRX ) recently shelled out US$51k to buy stock, at US$2.54 per share. Although the purchase is not a big one, by either a percentage standpoint or absolute value, it can be seen as a good sign. Check out our latest analysis for Lantronix The Last 12 Months Of Insider Transactions At Lantronix In the last twelve months, the biggest single purchase by an insider was when President Saleel Awsare bought US$213k worth of shares at a price of US$2.66 per share. So it's clear an insider wanted to buy, at around the current price, which is US$2.70. While their view may have changed since the purchase was made, this does at least suggest they have had confidence in the company's future. We do always like to see insider buying, but it is worth noting if t
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- LTRX's page on the SEC website