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Stock impact report

LQR House Inc. Announces Share Acquisition by MeiFang Group at $1.58/Share and Agreement for Share Acquisition by Winz Technology Co. at $2.85/Share, Along With Highly Qualified Board Nomi...

LQR House Inc. (LQR) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
in the spirits and beverage industry, announced today a transformative step forward under the guidance of activist investor David Lazar. Mr. Lazar has entered into a Securities Purchase Agreement (the "SPA") with both MeiFang Group & Winz Technology Co., signaling a strategic alignment aimed at advancing LQR House's market position and fostering sustainable growth. As part of the agreement, MeiFang Group acquired 821,818 shares of common stock from Mr. Lazar for $1,300,000, representing a valuation of $1.58 per share. Similarly, Winz Technology Co. is set to acquire 280,000 shares of common stock from Mr. Lazar for $800,000, reflecting a valuation of $2.85 per share. Thanks to David Lazar's extensive network, LQR House is pleased to announce the nomination of two highly qualified candidates, Yilin Lu and Hong Chun Yeung, to its Board of Directors. These appointments are pending shareholder approval and, with their exceptional expertise in capital markets and business strategy, are Show less Read more
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