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Stock impact report

Why Textron, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin Shares Rebounded Today [The Motley Fool]

Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMT) 
Last lockheed martin corporation earnings: 4/21 07:30 am Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: The Motley Fool
Rich Smith (TMFDitty) Author Bio Follow @@RichSmithFool What happened Defense stocks broad market meltdown In Thursday's market rout, shares of Lockheed Martin NYSE:LMT Textron NYSE:TXT Boeing NYSE:BA Today, they're up across the board. Lockheed stock gained more than % in early trading, and remains up a fraction of a percent as of :0 a.m. EDT. Textron and Boeing both booked gains in excess of 0% earlier in the day, and Textron is still hanging on to a 6.% gain, while Boeing is up 9%. Image source: Getty Images. So what The reason for the gains may not just be the dead-cat bounce that the rest of the market seems to be enjoying. Responding to a rocket attack on U.S. and British military personnel that killed three soldiers in Baghdad on Read more
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