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Stock impact report

Laser Photonics' CleanTech Systems Set New Standard for Rolled Steel Surface Preparation [Yahoo! Finance]

Laser Photonics Corporation (LASE) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
and other material processing applications, today showcased the significant applications of its laser cleaning systems in the production of rolled steel. Rolled steel is used in a variety of products, from household appliances like washing machines and hot water tanks to automotive parts such as gas tanks and seat components. Steel can accumulate rust and corrosion before it is formed and coated, necessitating thorough cleaning. Laser Photonics' advanced laser cleaning technology is superlative for preparing rolled steel product surfaces before final coating. CleanTech laser systems offer a superior alternative to traditional methods like sandblasting and dry ice blasting. These laser systems are eco-friendly, energy-efficient, and complete the cleaning process more quickly. Using a high-energy laser beam, CleanTech systems effectively remove coatings, contaminants, rust, and residues without damaging the underlying material. For more information about the CleanTech line of ro Show less Read more
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