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Did China Just Blink In The Great Lithium War [Seeking Alpha]

Lithium Americas Corp. Common Shares (LAC) 
Last lithium americas corp. common shares earnings: 11/12 07:00 am Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Seeking Alpha
Austin Craig 7.84K Follower s Follow Play 12min Summary An economic war is ongoing with China, who could be selling lithium at a loss to impact prices and hinder US mineral expansion. CATL has blinked and is going to cut lithium production. This should have a positive impact on lithium prices. Other lithium projects are also cutting back production or expansion plans. This could result in positive lithium price action given time. EV growth continues worldwide. The reduction in present capex could result in interesting times as demand continues to grow. Olemedia If you have been following lithium stocks, it has been a very volatile experience to say the least. Lithium prices have all but imploded and with that, lithium stocks followed. Yet, I think we have many good companies that are beat up and when good times come back, they could recover and thrive. Such is the nature of a cyclical industry. Lithium has had many boom-and-bust time periods, maybe this one has Show less Read more
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