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The Impact Of The Coronavirus On HR And The New Normal Of Work [Forbes]

Infosys Limited American Depositary Shares (INFY) 
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Company Research Source: Forbes
The New Normal of WorkShutterstock / GaudiLabFor e past decade I have been writing and speaking about e disruptions in e way we work learn and communicate In my articleHumans Gigs and Robots Are The New Blended WorkforceI went on to say: e pace of change has never been is fast yet it will never be is slow again!What I did not envision is we would be working exclusively from our homes while juggling home schooling and trying to figure out how to conduct ree Zoom sessions at e same time: one for our own meeting one for our spouse or partner’s meeting and one for our child learning at home!The Covid-19 coronavirus is becoming e accelerator for one of e greatest workplace transformations of our lifetime How we work who we work wi where we work how we communicate and e ways we learn will be changed forever!Today In:The termVUCA (volatile uncertain complex and ambiguous) first appeared in e media in 1987 by e Army War Collegeencourage 88% of workers to work from home regardless of wheer or Show less Read more
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