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HWH International Inc. and Guangzhou Inbot Technology Ltd Announce Strategic Partnership to Drive Global Robotics Expansion [Yahoo! Finance]

HWH International Inc. (HWH) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
partnership agreement with Guangzhou Inbot Technology Ltd, a robotics company, through HWH's wholly owned subsidiary, Hapi iRobot Pte. Ltd. ( HIPL ). This partnership represents a significant step in advancing global access to cutting-edge robotics solutions. In collaboration with Inbot, a renowned service robot research and development company, HIPL will provide a comprehensive suite of service robots designed to enhance operational efficiency and customer engagement. This partnership combines Inbot's innovative robotics technology with HIPL's market reach across the United States and major Asian markets. Under the partnership, HIPL will include Inbot's entire innovative robotics product and service line into its offerings. Padbot Robot, a brand launched by Guangzhou Inbot Technology Ltd, specializes in state-of-the-art service robots offering solutions for reception, delivery, security, cleaning, and table service applications. Distribution Rights Across Key Global Markets T Show less Read more
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