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Stock impact report

While shareholders of H World Group (NASDAQ:HTHT) are in the red over the last three years, underlying earnings have actually grown [Yahoo! Finance]

H World Group Limited - American Depositary Shares (HTHT) 
Last h world group limited - american depositary shares earnings: 3/26 05:00 pm Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
But if you try your hand at stock picking, you risk returning less than the market. We regret to report that long term H World Group Limited NASDAQ:HTHT ) shareholders have had that experience, with the share price dropping 39% in three years, versus a market return of about 18%. And more recent buyers are having a tough time too, with a drop of 28% in the last year. The falls have accelerated recently, with the share price down 21% in the last three months. This could be related to the recent financial results - you can catch up on the most recent data by reading our company report Although the past week has been more reassuring for shareholders, they're still in the red over the last three years, so let's see if the underlying business has been responsible for the decline. See our latest analysis for H World Group In his essay The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville Warren Buffett described how share prices do not always rationally reflect the value of a business. One way Show less Read more
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