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Stock impact report

We Ran A Stock Scan For Earnings Growth And H World Group (NASDAQ:HTHT) Passed With Ease [Yahoo! Finance]

H World Group Limited - American Depositary Shares (HTHT) 
Last h world group limited - american depositary shares earnings: 3/26 05:00 pm Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
In contrast to all that, many investors prefer to focus on companies like H World Group NASDAQ:HTHT ), which has not only revenues, but also profits. While profit isn't the sole metric that should be considered when investing, it's worth recognising businesses that can consistently produce it. H World Group's Improving Profits Strong earnings per share (EPS) results are an indicator of a company achieving solid profits, which investors look upon favourably and so the share price tends to reflect great EPS performance. Which is why EPS growth is looked upon so favourably. It's an outstanding feat for H World Group to have grown EPS from CN¥3.70 to CN¥12.15 in just one year. While it's difficult to sustain growth at that level, it bodes well for the company's outlook for the future. This could point to the business hitting a point of inflection. One way to double-check a company's growth is to look at how its revenue, and earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) margins are changi Show less Read more
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