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Helios Technologies Extends History of Quarterly Dividends With 112th Consecutive Cash Dividend [Yahoo! Finance]

Helios Technologies, Inc. (HLIO) 
Last helios technologies, inc. earnings: 2/24 04:15 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Helios Technologies has declared consecutive quarterly dividends to its stockholders for over 27 years. (Source: BUSINESS WIRE) The dividend will be payable on January 20, 2025 to stockholders of record as of January 3, 2025. (Source: BUSINESS WIRE) Helios Technologies is a global leader in highly engineered motion control and electronic controls technology for diverse end markets, including construction, material handling, agriculture, energy, recreational vehicles, marine and health and wellness. (Source: BUSINESS WIRE) Helios Technologies has approximately 33.2 million shares of common stock outstanding. (Source: BUSINESS WIRE) SARASOTA, Fla., December 05, 2024 BUSINESS WIRE Helios Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: HLIO), a global leader in highly engineered motion control and electronic controls technology, announced that its Board of Directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.09 per common share. Helios has declared consecutive quarterly dividends to its stockholders for Show less Read more
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