Hackett Group (NASDAQ:HCKT) Is Due To Pay A Dividend Of $0.11 [Yahoo! Finance]

The Hackett Group, Inc. (HCKT)
Last the hackett group, inc. earnings: 2/18 04:05 pm
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Source: Yahoo! Finance
Including this payment, the dividend yield on the stock will be 1.4%, which is a modest boost for shareholders' returns. Check out our latest analysis for Hackett Group It would be nice for the yield to be higher, but we should also check if higher levels of dividend payment would be sustainable. However, prior to this announcement, Hackett Group's dividend was comfortably covered by both cash flow and earnings. This means that most of what the business earns is being used to help it grow. The next year is set to see EPS grow by 12.5%. If the dividend continues along recent trends, we estimate the payout ratio will be 35%, which is in the range that makes us comfortable with the sustainability of the dividend. The company has a sustained record of paying dividends with very little fluctuation. Since 2014, the annual payment back then was $0.10, compared to the most recent full-year payment of $0.44. This means that it has been growing its distributions at 16% per annum over th
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