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Hackett: Greatest Obstacles for HR in 2020 Include Overcommitment, Tech & Process Complexity and Skills Deficiencies

The Hackett Group, Inc. (HCKT) 
Last the hackett group, inc. earnings: 2/18 04:05 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Business Wire
MIAMI & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Overcommitment represents the greatest transformation hurdle that HR executives must overcome in 2020 as they strive to reduce costs, add value, and pursue digital transformation in the face of an uncertain business environment, according to new HR Key Issues research from The Hackett Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: HCKT). Improving organizational culture has also moved to the forefront as both a key issue and a critical development area for HR.Over the past several years, HR has struggled to address important overall and human capital management-related objectives effectively, and The Hackett Group’s research shows a continuation and increased prominence of this trend. For the first time in 2020, “enabling a high-performing organizational culture” became the top key issue for HR. At the same time, this is identified as a critical development area, meaning HR performance improvements are required.“Culture has always been a major issue,” said The Hackett Group Show less Read more
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