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Stock impact report

Home Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ:HBCP) most popular amongst retail investors who own 40% of the shares, institutions hold 36% [Yahoo! Finance]

Home Bancorp, Inc. (HBCP) 
Last home bancorp, inc. earnings: 4/28 08:30 am Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
No, there is no single shareholder with majority ownership of Home Bancorp, Inc. The top 19 shareholders control 50% of the ownership, but no individual shareholder has a majority interest in the company. Was this helpful? Yes No What does the institutional ownership of Home Bancorp, Inc. indicate? The institutional ownership of Home Bancorp, Inc. indicates that the company has a certain degree of credibility in the investment community. However, it also poses a risk of a 'crowded trade' where multiple institutions may compete to sell stock fast if the trade goes wrong. Was this helpful? Yes No Do insiders have a significant ownership stake in Home Bancorp, Inc.? Yes, insiders, including board members and top-level managers, own shares in Home Bancorp, Inc. worth US$30m, which is a significant stake in the US$401m company. This indicates some alignment between the interests of insiders and shareholders. Was this helpful? Yes No What influence do retail inv Show less Read more
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