We Think That There Are Issues Underlying Chart Industries' (NYSE:GTLS) Earnings [Yahoo! Finance]

Chart Industries, Inc. (GTLS)
Last chart industries, inc. earnings: 4/23 06:00 am
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Source: Yahoo! Finance
We think that the market might be paying attention to some underlying factors that they find to be concerning. Check out our latest analysis for Chart Industries NYSE:GTLS Earnings and Revenue History March 7th 2025 In order to understand the potential for per share returns, it is essential to consider how much a company is diluting shareholders. As it happens, Chart Industries issued 8.2% more new shares over the last year. As a result, its net income is now split between a greater number of shares. To talk about net income, without noticing earnings per share, is to be distracted by the big numbers while ignoring the smaller numbers that talk to per share value. You can see a chart of Chart Industries' EPS by clicking here How Is Dilution Impacting
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