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Stock impact report

Global Payments Inc. (GPN): A Bull Case Theory [Yahoo! Finance]

Global Payments Inc. (GPN) 
Last global payments inc. earnings: 2/12 06:55 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Global Payments Inc. (GPN)'s share was trading at $117.08 as of Nov 22 nd . GPN's trailing and forward P/E were 22.09 and 9.06 respectively according to Yahoo Finance. A customer making a purchase at a modern retail store terminal, showing the ubiquity of the company's payment solutions. Global Payments Inc. (GPN) has drawn attention due to its stagnant stock performance, particularly following a significant decline in 2024, which has prompted questions about whether it is a hidden gem or a potential value trap. Despite fluctuating stock prices between $100 and $140 since 2023, the company has consistently grown earnings per share (EPS), indicating solid underlying performance. The stock's drop can be attributed to several factors, including broader macroeconomic concerns impacting fintech companies, missed margin growth targets, and communication missteps by management that undermined investor confidence. Additionally, GPN faces mounting competition, especially in its Merchant So Show less Read more
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