Lead Independent Director of Grocery Outlet Holding Picks Up 21% More Stock [Yahoo! Finance]

Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. (GO)
Last grocery outlet holding corp. earnings: 3/24 04:05 pm
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Source: Yahoo! Finance
size by 21%. This is not their only purchase this year, having bought $2.1m worth of shares earlier at $20.91. In the last 12 months, insiders have bought more shares than they sold, with a total of $5.3m worth of shares purchased. Insiders own 3.9% of the company, worth around $70m, indicating some alignment between management and smaller shareholders. The recent insider purchase and longer-term transactions suggest confidence in the company's future. Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. NASDAQ:GO ) shareholders (or potential shareholders) will be happy to see that the Lead Independent Director, Erik Ragatz, recently bought a whopping US$2.0m worth of stock, at a price of US$18.25. Not only is that a big swing, but it increased their holding size by 21%, which is definitely great to see. View our latest analysis for Grocery Outlet Holding In fact, the recent purchase by Lead Independent Director Erik Ragatz was not their only acquisition of Grocery Outlet Holding shares this year. Earl
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