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Genprex Signs Exclusive License to Additional Gene Therapy Technologies with the University of Michigan for the Treatment of Lung Cancer [Yahoo! Finance]

Genprex, Inc. (GNPX) 
Last genprex, inc. earnings: 11/14 12:08 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
AUSTIN, Texas Nov. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Genprex, Inc. ("Genprex" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: GNPX ), a clinical-stage gene therapy company focused on developing life-changing therapies for patients with cancer and diabetes, today announced it has entered into an exclusive license agreement with the University of Michigan , granting Genprex a worldwide, exclusive license to the University's patent rights relating toits lead drug candidate, Reqorsa ® Gene Therapy (quaratusugene ozeplasmid), in combination with ALK-inhibitors for the potential treatment of ALK-EML4 positive translocated lung cancer. "We continue to bolster our intellectual property portfolio for REQORSA, understanding that our lead drug candidate may benefit patients with many types of cancers," said Thomas Gallagher, Esq. , Senior Vice President of Intellectual Property and Licensing at Genprex. "Positive preclinical data indicate that REQORSA in combination with ALK inhibitors may provide benefit to patients with Show less Read more
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