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Stock impact report

While shareholders of GFL Environmental (TSE:GFL) are in the black over 5 years, those who bought a week ago aren't so fortunate [Yahoo! Finance]

GFL Environmental Inc. Subordinate voting shares, no par value (GFL) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
But when you pick a company that is really flourishing, you can make more than 100%. Long term GFL Environmental Inc. TSE:GFL ) shareholders would be well aware of this, since the stock is up 181% in five years. On the other hand, the stock price has retraced 3.9% in the last week. This could be related to the recent financial results, released recently -- you can catch up on the most recent data by reading our company report While the stock has fallen 3.9% this week, it's worth focusing on the longer term and seeing if the stocks historical returns have been driven by the underlying fundamentals. See our latest analysis for GFL Environmental Given that GFL Environmental didn't make a profit in the last twelve months, we'll focus on revenue grow Read more
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