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Analysts Have Made A Financial Statement On GFL Environmental Inc.'s (TSE:GFL) Yearly Report [Yahoo! Finance]

GFL Environmental Inc. Subordinate voting shares, no par value (GFL) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
It was a pretty bad result overall; while revenues were in line with expectations at CA$7.9b, statutory losses exploded to CA$2.11 per share. Earnings are an important time for investors, as they can track a company's performance, look at what the analysts are forecasting for next year, and see if there's been a change in sentiment towards the company. So we collected the latest post-earnings statutory consensus estimates to see what could be in store for next year. Check out our latest analysis for GFL Environmental TSX:GFL Earnings and Revenue Growth March 3rd 2025 Taking into account the latest results, the consensus forecast from GFL Environmental's eleven analysts is for revenues of CA$8.43b in 2025. This reflects an okay 7.2% improveme Read more
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