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I've visited 94 countries. I always follow these 4 money-saving tips when I travel. [Business Insider]

Global Blue Group Holding AG Ordinary Shares (GB) 
I don't pay to check a bag when I travel, and I seek out free activities, like walking tours. I get cash when I'm at my destination and use credit cards without foreign transaction fees. I've been traveling full-time for nine years. Throughout my trips to 94 countries and all seven continents, I've learned a lot of ways to save money abroad — some through trial and error. Get the best deal on local currency I don't travel with cash unless I'm going to a destination where it's difficult to access ATMs. Generally, converting money before a trip is more costly than withdrawing local currency from an ATM. I find it's best to use a debit card from a bank that doesn't charge international transaction fees, honors market-based exchange rates, and reimburses ATM cash withdrawal fees. I've had good luck with Charles Schwab. I also try to withdraw cash from ATMs associated with a bank, which can feel more secure than others in more random parts of a city. When doing so, I also Show less Read more
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