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GATX Corporation Receives Responsible Care® Excellence in Partnership Award [Yahoo! Finance]

GATX Corporation (GATX) 
Last gatx corporation earnings: 1/23 08:30 am Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
receive the 2023 Responsible Care ® Excellence in Partnership Award. This award was presented to GATX at the annual CIAC board of directors' meeting on Oct. 22, 2024. The CIAC's Responsible Care Program has been in place for over 35 years, and is designed to bring chemical producers and their key suppliers together to demonstrate a common commitment to continuously improve the industry's safety, sustainability and overall performance. GATX is a Responsible Care Partner in both the CIAC and the American Chemistry Council (ACC) program in the United States. CIAC's president and chief executive officer, Bob Masterson, stated, "We are so proud of our outstanding awards winners this year. They have all shown formidable effort and leadership in implementing Responsible Care over the past year." GATX was specifically recognized for its significant contribution to the CIAC's Transportation Community Awareness and Emergency Response (TRANSCAER) initiative, which aims to inform communities Show less Read more
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