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Here's What You Should Know About Franklin Street Properties Corp.'s (NYSEMKT:FSP) 4.2% Dividend Yield [Yahoo! Finance News]

Franklin Street Properties Corp. (FSP) 
NASDAQ:AMEX Investor Relations:
Here's What You Should Know About Franklin Street Properties Corp.'s (NYSEMKT:FSP) 4.2% Dividend Yield Today we'll take a closer look at Franklin Street Properties Corp. NYSEMKT:FSP In this case, Franklin Street Properties likely looks attractive to investors, given its 4.2% dividend yield and a payment history of over ten years. We'd guess that plenty of investors have purchased it for the income. Some simple analysis can reduce the risk of holding Franklin Street Properties for its dividend, and we'll focus on the most important aspects below. Explore this interactive chart for our latest analysis on Franklin Street Properties! Payout ratios Dividends are usually paid out of company earnings. If a company is paying more than it earns, then the dividend might become unsustainable - hardly an ideal situation. Comparing dividend payments to a company's net profit after tax is a simple way of reality-checking whether a dividend is sustainable. In the last year, Franklin Street Properti Show less Read more
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