Shareholders in FONAR (NASDAQ:FONR) are in the red if they invested five years ago [Yahoo! Finance]
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Fonar Corporation (FONR)
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Source: Yahoo! Finance
But that doesn't change the fact that the returns over the last five years have been less than pleasing. In fact, the share price is down 28%, which falls well short of the return you could get by buying an index fund. With that in mind, it's worth seeing if the company's underlying fundamentals have been the driver of long term performance, or if there are some discrepancies. View our latest analysis for FONAR There is no denying that markets are sometimes efficient, but prices do not always reflect underlying business performance. One imperfect but simple way to consider how the market perception of a company has shifted is to compare the change in the earnings per share (EPS) with the share price movement. Looking back five years, both FONAR's share price and EPS declined; the latter at a rate of 12% per year. The share price decline of 6% per year isn't as bad as the EPS decline. So the market may previously have expected a drop, or else it expects the situation will impro
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Sec Filings
- 2/14/25 - Form NT
- 12/13/24 - Form 8-K
- FONR's page on the SEC website