Here's Why Fresenius (FMS) is a Strong Momentum Stock [Yahoo! Finance]

Fresenius Medical Care AG American Depositary Shares (Each representing 1/2 of an Ordinary Share) (FMS)
Last fresenius medical care ag american depositary shares (each representing 1/2 of an ordinary share) earnings: 7/31 04:03 pm
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While you may have an investing style you rely on, finding great stocks is made easier with the Zacks Style Scores. These are complementary indicators that rate stocks based on value, growth, and/or momentum characteristics. Is This 1 Momentum Stock a Screaming Buy Right Now? For momentum investors, upward or downward trends in a stock's price or earnings outlook take precedent, so they'll want to zero in on the Momentum Style Score. This Score can pinpoint good times to build a position in a stock, using factors like one-week price change and the monthly percentage change in earnings estimates. Fresenius (FMS) Based in Bad Homburg, Germany, Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA is one of the largest integrated providers of products and services for individuals undergoing dialysis following chronic kidney failure. FMS sits at a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold), holds a Momentum Style Score of A, and has a VGM Score of A. The stock is down 1.9% and up 4.6% over the past one-week and four
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Sec Filings
- 3/10/25 - Form SCHEDULE
- 3/6/25 - Form SCHEDULE
- 2/25/25 - Form 6-K
- FMS's page on the SEC website