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How Does First Horizon National's (NYSE:FHN) P/E Compare To Its Industry, After The Share Price Drop? [Yahoo! Finance News]

First Horizon Corporation (FHN) 
Last first horizon corporation earnings: 4/21 06:30 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Unfortunately for some shareholders, the First Horizon National NYSE:FHN Assuming nothing else has changed, a lower share price makes a stock more attractive to potential buyers. In the long term, share prices tend to follow earnings per share, but in the short term prices bounce around in response to short term factors which are not always obvious). So, on certain occasions, long term focussed investors try to take advantage of pessimistic expectations to buy shares at a better price. Perhaps the simplest way to get a read on investors' expectations of a business is to look at its Price to Earnings Ratio PE Ratio). A high P/E ratio means that investors have a high expectation about future growth, while a low P/E ratio means they have low expectations about future growth. Check out our latest analysis for First Horizon National Does First Horizon National Have A Relatively High Or Low P/E For Its Industry? We can tell from its P/E ratio of 7.29 that sentiment around First Horizon Nati Show less Read more
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