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Are You a Momentum Investor? This 1 Stock Could Be the Perfect Pick [Yahoo! Finance]

First Horizon Corporation (FHN) 
Last first horizon corporation earnings: 4/21 06:30 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
It helps momentum investors determine favorable times to buy high-momentum stocks by utilizing factors such as one-week price change and the monthly percentage change in earnings estimates. First Horizon Corporation is a financial services company based in Memphis, TN. It provides diversified financial services, mainly via its principal subsidiary First Horizon Bank, including regional banking, mortgage lending, title insurance, specialized commercial lending, commercial leasing and equipment financing, brokerage, wealth management and capital market services. Shares of First Horizon National have seen some interesting price action recently; the stock is down 3.2% over the past one week and up 22% over the past four weeks. And in the last one-year period, FHN has gained 53.7%. Four analysts revised their earnings estimate upwards in the last 60 days, and the Zacks Consensus Estimate has increased $0.03 to $1.49 per share for 2024. FHN boasts an average earnings surprise of 3.5%. Show less Read more
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