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Lavie Bio Receives Grant from Israel Innovation Authority to Advance the Development of 'MicroFermentor', a Unique Technology that Can Change the Economics of Ag-Biologicals

Evogene Ltd. - Ordinary Shares (EVGN) 
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US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: PR Newswire
The technology aims to reduce application costs, extend shelf life, and prolong bacterial viability after field applicationREHOVOT, Israel, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lavie Bio Ltd., a leading ag-biologicals company and a subsidiary of Evogene Ltd. (Nasdaq: EVGN) (TASE: EVGN), announced receiving a grant from the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) to advance its program to develop a breakthrough technology for the delivery of ag-biologicals to agriculture. This patented technology, named 'MicroFermentor', is based on an innovative microbe formulation that enables the multiplication of beneficial bacteria directly on the plant, reducing application costs, extending shelf life, and prolonging the bacteria's viability after field application. The grant was awarded following positive initial microbe encapsulation and greenhouse validation experiments and will support the program's next phase of development toward commercialization. The global ag-biologicals market is growing at a rate Show less Read more
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