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Stock impact report

Should You Hold Entegris (ENTG)? [Yahoo! Finance]

Entegris, Inc. (ENTG) 
Last entegris, inc. earnings: 4/21 06:00 am Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
A copy of the letter can be downloaded here . U.S. equities experienced an upward trend in the third quarter, with most major indices recording mid-single-digit gains. Notable market changes characterized this period. Despite these challenges, the stock market concluded the quarter on a positive note. The portfolio returned 7.9% (7.8% net) during the quarter compared to a 9.2% increase for the Russell Midcap Index. Both stock selection and sector exposure were modest headwinds to relative performance. In addition, you can check the fund's top 5 holdings to determine its best picks for 2024. The London Company Mid Cap Strategy highlighted stocks like Entegris, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENTG ) in the third quarter 2024 investor letter. Headquartered in Billerica, Massachusetts, Entegris, Inc. (NASDAQ:ENTG) is a micro contamination control products manufacturing company. The one-month return of Entegris, Inc. (NASDAQ:ENTG) was -6.18%, and its shares gained 12.11% of their value over the last 52 we Show less Read more
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