The past three years for Enanta Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:ENTA) investors has not been profitable [Yahoo! Finance]

Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (ENTA)
Last enanta pharmaceuticals, inc. earnings: 2/6 04:00 pm
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But that doesn't change the fact that the returns over the last three years have been stomach churning. Indeed, the share price is down a whopping 86% in the last three years. So it's about time shareholders saw some gains. Of course the real question is whether the business can sustain a turnaround. We really feel for shareholders in this scenario. It's a good reminder of the importance of diversification, and it's worth keeping in mind there's more to life than money, anyway. It's worthwhile assessing if the company's economics have been moving in lockstep with these underwhelming shareholder returns, or if there is some disparity between the two. So let's do just that. See our latest analysis for Enanta Pharmaceuticals Given that Enanta Pharmaceuticals didn't make a profit in the last twelve months, we'll focus on revenue growth to form a quick view of its business development. When a company doesn't make profits, we'd generally hope to see good revenue growth. As you can ima
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- 2/10/25 - Beat
Sec Filings
- 2/14/25 - Form SCHEDULE
- 2/14/25 - Form 4
- 2/14/25 - Form 4
- ENTA's page on the SEC website