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Western Asset Emerging Markets Debt Fund Inc. (EMD or "the Fund"; CUSIP: 95766A101) Announces Notification of Sources of Distributions [Yahoo! Finance]

Western Asset Emerging Markets Debt Fund Inc (EMD) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Notification of Sources of Distributions Pursuant to Section 19(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 The Fund's estimated sources of the distribution to be paid on December 2, 2024, and for the fiscal year 2024 year-to-date are as follows: Estimated Allocations for the November Monthly Distribution as of October 31, 2024: Distribution Per Share Net Investment Income Net Realized Short-Term Capital Gains Net Realized Long-Term Capital Gains Return of Capital Cumulative Estimated Allocations fiscal year-to-date as of October 31, 2024, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024: Distribution Per Share Net Investment Income Net Realized Short-Term Capital Gains Net Realized Long-Term Capital Gains Return of Capital Shareholders should not draw any conclusions about the Fund's investment performance from the amount of the current distribution or from the terms of the Plan. EMD estimates that it has distributed more than its inc Show less Read more
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