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Investors in Electrovaya (TSE:ELVA) have seen impressive returns of 215% over the past five years [Yahoo! Finance]

Electrovaya Inc. (ELVA) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
But on a lighter note, a good company can see its share price rise well over 100%. One great example is Electrovaya Inc. TSE:ELVA ) which saw its share price drive 215% higher over five years. Meanwhile the share price is 4.5% higher than it was a week ago. With that in mind, it's worth seeing if the company's underlying fundamentals have been the driver of long term performance, or if there are some discrepancies. View our latest analysis for Electrovaya Given that Electrovaya only made minimal earnings in the last twelve months, we'll focus on revenue to gauge its business development. Generally speaking, we'd consider a stock like this alongside loss-making companies, simply because the quantum of the profit is so low. It would be hard to believe in a more profitable future without growing revenues. In the last 5 years Electrovaya saw its revenue grow at 44% per year. That's well above most pre-profit companies. So it's not entirely surprising that the share price reflected Show less Read more
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