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Is Estée Lauder a Buy, Sell, or Hold in 2025? [Yahoo! Finance]

Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. (The) (EL) 
Last estee lauder companies, inc. (the) earnings: 5/1 06:45 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Any time a market leader's stock drops significantly, it's worth investigating to see whether it's a possible bounce-back candidate. With this in mind, let's analyze what led to Estée Lauder's struggles and assess whether the stock is a buy, hold, or sell for 2025. Here's why Estée Lauder stock is down Estée Lauder's blemishes were evident during fiscal Q1 2025, starting with a decline in its top and bottom lines. Specifically, the company reported $3.36 billion in net revenue, representing a 4% year-over-year decline. Management blamed lackluster sales in China and travel retail. As for the bottom line, the company reported a net loss of $156 million, partly due to settlement agreements of $159 million relating to legal settlements. If you were to exclude that expense, the company still would've generated a 90.3% decline compared to its net income of $31 million for its fiscal Q1 2024. Notably, the settlement represents 70% of pending cases against Estée Lauder related to con Show less Read more
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