A step sideways is not progress. Canada’s food-service industry can do better [Toronto Globe and Mail (Ontario, Canada)]

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Source: Toronto Globe and Mail
A step sideways is not progress. Canada’s food-service industry can do better David Segal was the co-founder of DavidsTea Inc. He left the company in 2016 to launch fast-food chain Mad Radish. When Tim Hortons announced sweeping changes to its iconic Roll Up the Rim program – which include the introduction of “digital rolls” and rewards for consumers who purchase their coffee in reusable cups – the headline on their press release was “Roll Up the Rim To Win 2020: Paper, Digital and Sustainable”. That last word caught my attention. It’s estimated that Tim Hortons serves two billion cups of coffee every year. Save for the small percentage of those drinks that are served in customers’ own reusable cups, every one of those cups is lined with polyethylene, a petroleum-based plastic. Not only are those cups virtually impossible to recycle, since separating the plastic from the paper is a cumbersome process that requires adapted recycling facilities, but polyethylene products require a lar
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