Quest Diagnostics (NYSE:DGX) Has Announced That It Will Be Increasing Its Dividend To $0.80 [Yahoo! Finance]

Quest Diagnostics Incorporated (DGX)
Last quest diagnostics incorporated earnings: 4/22 06:45 am
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Source: Yahoo! Finance
Based on this payment, the dividend yield for the company will be 1.8%, which is fairly typical for the industry. Check out our latest analysis for Quest Diagnostics Quest Diagnostics' Future Dividend Projections Appear Well Covered By Earnings We like a dividend to be consistent over the long term, so checking whether it is sustainable is important. However, Quest Diagnostics' earnings easily cover the dividend. This means that most of its earnings are being retained to grow the business. The next year is set to see EPS grow by 34.6%. If the dividend continues along recent trends, we estimate the payout ratio will be 31%, which is in the range that makes us comfortable with the sustainability of the dividend. NYSE:DGX Historic Dividend Febr
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