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Stock impact report

Chevron's Balancing Act in Venezuela: Oil Export vs. Policy [Yahoo! Finance]

Chevron Corporation (CVX) 
Last chevron corporation earnings: 5/1 06:45 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Since 2019, Chevron, holding a significant role in Venezuela as the only U.S.-based oil producer, has been trying to align its activities with the U.S. policies, which were imposed to restrict Venezuela's oil revenues and force the ouster of president Nicolás Maduro, prompted by electoral fraud. The company emphasized its dual focus of supporting the U.S. policy objectives for Venezuela as well as providing a better future to Venezuelans. Since 2022, CVX, under relaxed restrictions by the Biden administration, has been able to export Venezuelan oil to the United States, averaging 238,000 barrels per day to recover unpaid dividends from the joint venture partners. Despite all the hurdles and tensions, CVX has been trying to hang in there and work with the government so that its place does not get replaced by companies from Russia and China, which will lead to changes in the country's energy framework. The ever-evolving U.S. policy decides CVX's role in Venezuela. The temporary r Show less Read more
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