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Stock impact report

Recent Price Trend in Cantaloupe (CTLP) is Your Friend, Here's Why [Yahoo! Finance]

Cantaloupe, Inc. (CTLP) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
And increasing the odds of success by making sure the sustainability of a trend isn't easy. The trend often reverses before exiting the trade, leading to a short-term capital loss for investors. So, for a profitable trade, one should confirm factors such as sound fundamentals, positive earnings estimate revisions, etc. that could keep the momentum in the stock alive. Investors looking to make a profit from stocks that are currently on the move may find our "Recent Price Strength" screen pretty useful. This predefined screen comes handy in spotting stocks that are on an uptrend backed by strength in their fundamentals, and trading in the upper portion of their 52-week high-low range, which is usually an indicator of bullishness. (CTLP) is one of the several suitable candidates that passed through the screen. Here are the key reasons why it could be a profitable bet for "trend" investors. A solid price increase over a period of 12 weeks reflects investors' continued willingness Show less Read more
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