We Think That There Are Some Issues For CSW Industrials (NASDAQ:CSWI) Beyond Its Promising Earnings [Yahoo! Finance]
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CSW Industrials, Inc. (CSWI)
Last csw industrials, inc. earnings: 8/1 08:00 am
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Source: Yahoo! Finance
View our latest analysis for CSW Industrials One essential aspect of assessing earnings quality is to look at how much a company is diluting shareholders. As it happens, CSW Industrials issued 8.1% more new shares over the last year. Therefore, each share now receives a smaller portion of profit. Per share metrics like EPS help us understand how much actual shareholders are benefitting from the company's profits, while the net income level gives us a better view of the company's absolute size. Check out CSW Industrials' historical EPS growth by clicking on this link As you can see above, CSW Industrials has been growing its net income over the last few years, with an annualized gain of 129% over three years. And over the last 12 months, the company grew its profit by 12%. But in comparison, EPS only increased by 11% over the same period. Therefore, the dilution is having a noteworthy influence on shareholder returns. Changes in the share price do tend to reflect changes in earn
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- 1/30/25 - Beat
Sec Filings
- 2/14/25 - Form 144
- 2/13/25 - Form 144
- 2/4/25 - Form 4
- CSWI's page on the SEC website