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How To Earn $500 A Month From ConocoPhillips Stock [Yahoo! Finance]

ConocoPhillips (COP) 
Last conocophillips earnings: 4/30 07:00 am Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
To figure out how to earn $500 monthly from ConocoPhillips, we start with the yearly target of $6,000 ($500 x 12 months). Next, we take this amount and divide it by ConocoPhillips' $3.12 dividend: $6,000 / $3.12 = 1,923 shares So, an investor would need to own approximately $210,319 worth of ConocoPhillips, or 1,923 shares to generate a monthly dividend income of $500. Assuming a more conservative goal of $100 monthly ($1,200 annually), we do the same calculation: $1,200 / $3.12 = 385 shares, or $42,107 to generate a monthly dividend income of $100. Note that dividend yield can change on a rolling basis, as the dividend payment and the stock price both fluctuate over time. The dividend yield is calculated by dividing the annual dividend payment by the current stock price. As the stock price changes, the dividend yield will also change. For example, if a stock pays an annual dividend of $2 and its current price is $50, its dividend yield would be 4%. However, if the stock Show less Read more
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