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How To Put $100 In Your Retirement Fund Each Month With Colgate-Palmolive Stock [Yahoo! Finance]

Colgate-Palmolive Company (CL) 
Last colgate-palmolive company earnings: 5/1 06:55 am Check Earnings Report
US:NYSE Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
How can an investor earn $100 per month from Colgate-Palmolive dividends and what is the required investment value? To earn $100 per month, or $1,200 annually, from Colgate-Palmolive dividends, an investor needs to have an investment value of approximately $56,075, which is around 600 shares at $93.44 each. Was this helpful? Yes No What are the expected earnings per share (EPS) and revenue for Colgate-Palmolive's Q4 2024 earnings report? Wall Street analysts expect Colgate-Palmolive to post an EPS of 0.90, up from 0.87 in the year-ago period, and quarterly revenue of 5.05 billion, up from 4.95 billion in the year-ago period. Was this helpful? Yes No What is the dividend yield of Colgate-Palmolive stock and how much in dividends has the company paid per share in the last 12 months? Colgate-Palmolive's dividend yield is 2.14% and the company has paid 2 per share in dividends during the last 12 months. Was this helpful? Yes No How does the dividend yield of Show less Read more
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