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Newsflash: Cipher Mining Inc. (NASDAQ:CIFR) Analysts Have Been Trimming Their Revenue Forecasts [Yahoo! Finance]

Cipher Mining Inc. (CIFR) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
Revenue estimates were cut sharply as analysts signalled a weaker outlook - perhaps a sign that investors should temper their expectations as well. Investors however, have been notably more optimistic about Cipher Mining recently, with the stock price up a magnificent 38% to US$7.35 in the past week. With such a sharp increase, it seems brokers may have seen something that is not yet being priced in by the wider market. After this downgrade, Cipher Mining's ten analysts are now forecasting revenues of US$299m in 2025. This would be a substantial 96% improvement in sales compared to the last 12 months. Before the latest update, the analysts were foreseeing US$341m of revenue in 2025. The consensus view seems to have become more pessimistic on Cipher Mining, noting the measurable cut to revenue estimates in this update. See our latest analysis for Cipher Mining These estimates are interesting, but it can be useful to paint some more broad strokes when seeing how forecasts compare, Show less Read more
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