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Citizens, Inc. Announces Filing of Form S-3 to Replace Expiring Shelf Registration Statement [Yahoo! Finance]

Citizens, Inc. Class A ($1.00 Par) (CIA) 
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
life, living benefits, and final expense insurance, today announced it has filed a shelf registration statement (the "Shelf Registration") on Form S-3 with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), replacing a previous shelf registration statement on Form S-3 that will expire on November 30, 2024. The replacement Shelf Registration will allow the Company to continue offering shares under its Stock Investment Plan (SIP), which has been in place since 2001. Under the SIP, the Company can either issue new shares to investors or facilitate purchase of shares on the open market. This Shelf Registration reduced the number of shares the Company could offer under the SIP to 5 million shares from 15 million shares registered under the previous S-3, demonstrating the Company's commitment to shareholder returns. "The shelf filing is a renewal of our prior filing, which was set to expire. We believe it is a matter of good corporate practice to replace our previous shel Show less Read more
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