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Check Point Software Technologies Recognized as a Microsoft Security 20/20 Partner Award Winner for Most Prolific Integration Partner

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. - Ordinary Shares (CHKP) 
Last check point software technologies ltd. - ordinary shares earnings: 4/27 05:00 am Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: GlobeNewswire
SAN CARLOS, Calif., Feb. 25, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Check Point Software Technologies today announced it has been named a Microsoft Security 20/20 award winner for the Most Prolific Integration Partner category. The company was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation, integration, and customer implementation with Microsoft technology. At the inaugural Microsoft Security 20/20 partner awards, held February 23, Microsoft announced award winners in 16 categories that span security integration partners, system integrators and managed security service providers. Check Point Software Technologies is a winner for Microsoft Security 20/20 Most Prolific Partner award. Today, the cloud computing environment is the most complex it has ever been. The number of cloud services offered to enterprises has grown exponentially. The manner in which businesses store and scale data has changed dramatically. At the same time, the number of Show less Read more
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