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Century Aluminum Remains Sensitive To Highly Competitive Market [Seeking Alpha]

Century Aluminum Company (CENX) 
Last century aluminum company earnings: 4/30 04:05 pm Check Earnings Report
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Seeking Alpha
Century Aluminum's Q1 net income was driven by a one-time gain, not ongoing profitability, making its current valuation misleading. The company's operations are highly sensitive to aluminum prices and raw material costs, posing significant risks. Century Aluminum's heavy reliance on a single customer and lack of cash reserves limit its flexibility and growth potential. Despite recent optimism, without a clear catalyst, the stock is overvalued compared to industry peers and is best viewed as a hold. Monty Rakusen With a surprise net income in the first quarter, Century Aluminum ( NASDAQ: CENX ) has shown up on a lot of stock screens lately, with the company having a single digit P/E ratio after years of unprofitability. Today I'm going to look deeper into the company, see what has happened with its one-off earnings in Q1, and whether the company deserves to be on the list of value companies. Understanding Century Aluminum Century Aluminum is a smelter of primary alumin Show less Read more
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