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Want To Save Money on Groceries but Still Use Delivery Services? Here's How [Yahoo! Finance]

Maplebear Inc. (CART) 
US:NASDAQ Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
For those who are too busy to go shopping or longing for a late-night snack, food delivery services allow you to shop for groceries online and have them delivered to your doorstep. But between delivery and service fees , driver tips, and markups on the food itself, the total cost can add up quickly. For You: 3 Things You Must Do When Your Savings Reach $50,000 Read Next: 4 Groceries Frugal Retirees Should Buy During the Holidays Here's how much grocery delivery services are costing you — and ways to cut costs if you want to save money on groceries but still use delivery services. Trending Now: Suze Orman's Secret to a Wealthy Retirement--Have You Made This Money Move? Since Instacart launched in 2012, even more food delivery services have entered the market. But regardless of which app you use, getting groceries through delivery will cost at least 24% more — before leaving a tip — than getting them yourself, according to a study by FinanceBuzz. However, the price can be h Show less Read more
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