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Black Stone Minerals, L.P. Declares Distribution for Common Units and Schedules Earnings Call to Discuss First Quarter 2020 Results

Black Stone Minerals, L.P. Common units representing limited partner interests (BSM) 
NASDAQ:AMEX Investor Relations:
Company Research Source: Business Wire
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Black Stone Minerals, L.P. (NYSE: BSM) (“Black Stone Minerals,” “BSM,” or “the Partnership”) today declared the distribution attributable to the first quarter of 2020. Additionally, the Partnership announced the date of its first quarter 2020 earnings call.Common DistributionThe Board of Directors of the general partner (the "Board") has approved a cash distribution for common units attributable to the first quarter of 2020 of $0.08 per unit. Distributions will be payable on May 21, 2020 to unitholders of record on May 14, 2020. Distribution coverage for the quarter is expected to be approximately 4.0 times.The reduction in distributions is a result of the Board’s decision to increase the amount of retained free cash flow for debt reduction and balance sheet protection during this period of unprecedented challenges for the industry and the country.Thomas L. Carter, Jr., Black Stone Minerals’ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, commented: "We have always Show less Read more
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