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Stock impact report

Bionano Announces the Publication of Stockholder Letter Regarding Support for Proxy Proposal [Yahoo! Finance]

Bionano Genomics, Inc. (BNGO) 
Last bionano genomics, inc. earnings: 8/8 04:05 pm Check Earnings Report
Company Research Source: Yahoo! Finance
The company is considering a reverse stock split because its stock price has traded below $1.00 since the end of May 2024, which puts it at risk of being delisted from the Nasdaq Capital Market. A reverse stock split would help the company maintain its Nasdaq listing and potentially improve the marketability of its common stock. Was this helpful? Yes No How can stockholders vote on the proposals, including the reverse stock split proposal? Stockholders of record as of November 21, 2024, may vote at the special meeting or by proxy over the telephone, through the internet, or using the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials mailed to such stockholders. Was this helpful? Yes No What are the benefits of a reverse stock split for Bionano Genomics, Inc. and its stockholders? A reverse stock split would support ongoing compliance with Nasdaq listing requirements, potentially improve the marketability of the company's common stock, and increase the company's a Show less Read more
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