Independent Director of Bloomin' Brands Picks Up 249% More Stock [Yahoo! Finance]

Bloomin' Brands, Inc. (BLMN)
Last bloomin' brands, inc. earnings: 2/18 07:00 am
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Source: Yahoo! Finance
NASDAQ:BLMN ) recently shelled out US$96k to buy stock, at US$9.62 per share. Even though that isn't a massive buy, it did increase their holding by 249%, which is arguably a good sign. See our latest analysis for Bloomin' Brands The Last 12 Months Of Insider Transactions At Bloomin' Brands In fact, the recent purchase by Rohit Lal was the biggest purchase of Bloomin' Brands shares made by an insider individual in the last twelve months, according to our records. That means that an insider was happy to buy shares at above the current price of US$8.24. It's very possible they regret the purchase, but it's more likely they are bullish about the company. To us, it's very important to consider the price insiders pay for shares. As a general rule, we feel mo
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- 2/26/25 - Miss
Sec Filings
- 3/6/25 - Form 4
- 3/6/25 - Form 4
- 3/4/25 - Form 4
- BLMN's page on the SEC website