Opinion: Veterans are getting shafted on healthcare. Let them use Obamacare. [USA TODAY]

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This should be the one day where both Harris and Trump supporters as well as independents all agree on one thing: The Veteran's Administration is an abomination, a failed entity that should have been abolished 50 years ago. Every day it provides horrifically abysmal Third World healthcare to the people tasked with defending the world's only true superpower. Let that sink in a moment. No other group in America is treated so shabbily, and it's not even close. As a former enlisted infantry grunt, the VA was my sole form of healthcare for almost 20 years. I could overload you with nightmares about my experiences, as well as those of my fellow vets, but that would be piling on. There have been so many articles and exposes about the VA that only a certified fool would defend its existence. Here's a tidbit most people don't know: There was a huge loophole in the Affordable Care Act. Veterans were the only Americans excluded from this alleged national plan to provide everyone with healt
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