AXS vs. CINF: Which Stock Is the Better Value Option? [Yahoo! Finance]

Axis Capital Holdings Limited (AXS)
Last axis capital holdings limited earnings: 1/29 04:15 pm
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Source: Yahoo! Finance
which of these two stocks is more attractive to value investors? We'll need to take a closer look to find out. We have found that the best way to discover great value opportunities is to pair a strong Zacks Rank with a great grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system. The proven Zacks Rank puts an emphasis on earnings estimates and estimate revisions, while our Style Scores work to identify stocks with specific traits. Axis Capital and Cincinnati Financial are sporting Zacks Ranks of #2 (Buy) and #3 (Hold), respectively, right now. Investors should feel comfortable knowing that AXS likely has seen a stronger improvement to its earnings outlook than CINF has recently. But this is just one piece of the puzzle for value investors. Value investors also tend to look at a number of traditional, tried-and-true figures to help them find stocks that they believe are undervalued at their current share price levels. Our Value category highlights undervalued companies by looki
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Sec Filings
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